Apostles of Christ Peter – ppt download

Apostles of Christ Andrew Other known names Family Facts Unique characteristics Death Andrew Name means: “manly” Son of Jonah Brother of Simon Peter Baptized by John the Baptist and one of his disciples. As a disciple of John the Baptist he met Jesus and then brought Peter to meet Jesus. He was one of the earliest called to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. He was a fisherman. Preached in the North (Ukraine) Tradition says Andrew was crucified in Patras, Achaia (current day Greece) A.D. 70 The cross was positioned like an X and they bound him to it and he suffered for 2 days and preaching while he hung on the cross.

Source: Apostles of Christ Peter – ppt download

Distance Learning Week 4: April 13th-April 19th

Theology: Goal this week is to finish up your Chapter 1 and 2 notes, make sure you’ve watched my explanation videos, and turn in your Vocab for both chapters. At the end of the week you will take a Test over Chapter 1 & 2. 


Psychology: Goal this week is to cover Emotions and look at the work done by Paul Ekman. Please watch the wrap-up video (the Motivation Behind Body Language.) You will have a discussion and a Risky Behaviors assignment to turn-in.




I have done a lot of reflection this week on the first Easter and how it reflects our current situation. Looking at my own home, this is certainly a lonely Easter and one I pray to not repeat.) My husband and  I usually host our extended families at our house- lots of noise, lots of cooking, lots of grateful hearts, and enjoyment. This year is certainly joyous to be reminded of the sacrifice made for us, but it is much more quiet; Many of us are quarantined at home, not able to see our extended families, and the fear of the unknown is constantly in our minds. What an interesting thought that the first Easter was spent much like this one. The apostles had been in hiding, scared of their unknown fate, and with much uncertainty of what was to come (much like what we are grappling with.)  What elation they must have felt when reunited with the risen Lord. I am sure we can imagine how happy we will be when we can reunite and embrace our loved ones we are separated from right now.

(This post needs to be completed by my two year old has other plans for me…)


Distance Learning Week 3: Monday, April 6th- Friday, April 10th

Happy Holy Week 


This week my hope for you is to have some reflection on the happenings of Holy Week. Please watch the video and reflect over the final days of Jesus in the Holy Week Handout (from Saturday’s Blog Post.)

On Canvas, you should fill out the Chapter 2 Notes, watch the uploaded videos covering the information, complete the discussion question, and turn-in the Incarnation Worksheet. You should also attend the Zoom meeting on Thursday. One there, you can ask questions about the assignments thus far, and it will be nice to touch base and see all of you.


You are Learning about Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Once you’ve filled out the reflection assignment in the Discussion section of Canvas, please watched the video explaining the Hierarchy, fill out the notes with the PowerPoint (stop before you get to Emotions.)  The Assignment this week is to APPLY the ideas of the Hierarchy of Needs to a real life situation. We will have a Zoom Meeting on Wednesday to discuss the expectations of this assignment and answer any questions pertaining to the class. It will be so nice to see you guys!

Saturday, March 4th

I can honestly tell you, this week has been a struggle for me. My children miss school and so do I (as I am sure most of you are getting to that point too.)   This weekend is also the beginning of Holy Week. Tomorrow is Palm Sunday; I am yearning to attend mass, hear the music, smell the incense, be part of the community atmosphere.

Psychology students: during the Unit of Development we learned about the Five Stages of Grief by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross: Click here to read article on the Stages of Grief as it pertains to our current situation. The uncomfortable, yearning, sadness and confusion most of us are feeling right now is actually a stage of grief. Grief comes about when we are feeling a loss, and especially with the uncertainty of what’s going on, that is what we are dealing with.

With loss comes a lot of reflection, and isn’t it interesting that it is also in-line with what we are called to do during the Lenten Season?

During Lent we are called to be Praying, Fasting, and Almsgiving just like the time Jesus spent in the desert (40 days to be exact.) Here, Jesus reflected, prayed, fasted, and mentally prepped himself for his public ministry.  Had we been at school the past few weeks, we would have attended reconciliation with the area priests, had mass, collected rice bowls, and attended Living Stations put on by the Class of 2020. All of these things would have been done to mentally prepare ourselves to celebrate the season of Easter.

This week, I challenge you to reflect on the final days of Jesus. See Handout: Holy Week  Can you imagine the roller coaster of emotions that Jesus was feeling?

So students, how are you mentally preparing yourselves for the JOY of Easter from home?

Go Into the Desert- Reflection

Distance Learning Week 2: April 30th- May 3rd

Follow me on Twitter for Quick Tips: @NAIMBOREK 


The goal for this week is to complete your Chapter 1 notes (you can either use the PowerPoint or watch my videos that cover the slides) and to complete a project over parables. There is a discussion question that asks you to lay out five things you will do this semester to work on your relationship with God.


I have uploaded the notes for Motivation and Emotion Unit. There will be videos uploaded periodically throughout the week that cover the material. There are two worksheets I would like you to complete for this week: one covers the difference between biological & social motives and the other covers intrinsic vs extrinsic motivators. The videos will help if you aren’t getting it.

Saying many prayers for your health and happiness!

Saturday, March 28th

Psychology Students and Theology Students:

Please Read This Article:  Why Setting Goals is Important

Fun Fact For Week 1: Music Helps plants grow. This was once considered a myth but new research gives evidence that this might hold true (probably occurs due to vibrations); see article: Plants Grow Faster due to Music

I have needed to entertain a two and a four year old during this quarantine and of course , the weather hasn’t been ideal. We decided to begin planting indoors for our raised-bed garden and both kids got to plant their own seeds. I gave a lesson to them on what plants need to grow (good soil, water, sunlight) and my four-year-old, Shepard, decided he was going to test if his singing would help his plants grow faster than his sister’s (she did not want to sing to her plants. (Psych Students! I will give you  5 points extra credit if you set up and define the terms in this experiment!)

I can tell you- the hypothesis was supported by our findings! Pictures below ❤


Wednesday, March 25th

Greetings Students!

I miss my classroom, I miss seeing you all everyday, and I miss teaching you in person!

I am working on figuring out how to record myself teaching lessons, but my two and four year old have other plans for my time.  It definitely is an adjustment and I am trying to figure out how to balance my time and space. The space and time adjustment is something I am sure you can relate to. What I have found that worked for me is to set-up a “work-only” space. I set-up a card table that acts as my school-desk. When I sit in the space, I am “in-the-zone.” This is where I will be working, uploading, grading, and reading for the next few weeks. I have also made a point to let my family know, that when I am in this space, I am working and need very minimal distractions. I invite you to also create a space at home that is a “Work Only” space.

Important things to include in your work space: calendar, text books, laptop and charger (you will need an outlet near you!), printouts for your class, writing utensils, scratch paper or notebook, and of course a drink and a snack! 🙂

Fun Fact: At school I have pictures of my children on my desk. At home, I have pictures of you all (my current seating charts.)

We are very fortunate at times like this to be able to call on God for guidance and peace. That is why I asked you all to download the APP YOUCAT DAILY. There are readings of the day and some insight into the lessons.

I have decided at the end of each week I will post a video recapping the information you have read in your texts, in my posted PowerPoints, and the discussion questions I have posed to you.

Please take this time at home to spend extra QUALITY time with your families, put your phones away, and go outside! We talked at the beginning of the school year how we can see the wonder of God all around us. The other morning, it snowed and my heart sank. I bundled my children up in their warmest clothes and drug them outside anyway. THEY LOVED IT and it reminded me to stop being in such a slump with such a poor attitude. These circumstances are not ideal, but we can all learn from it and find the joy.


Distance Learning Monday, March 23rd to Friday, March 27th


You will need your textbook. I passed them out the Friday before spring break. If you were absent- you can get the book and Chapter 1 notes from the front office.

You will also need a Bible (New American Bible). You can access one online here:


or download the Bible app to your smartphone. – make sure you choose the New American Version from (YouVersion)

Please also download: YOUCAT DAILY on your smartphone ( please email me ASAP if you do not have access to a smart phone)

Goal this week is to complete work for Chapter 1, sections 1 and 2

Please read Chapter 1, section 1-3.

You will need to complete the assignment and do the discussion. The discussion covers reading the parable and recalling why Jesus taught in parables. After you post. Complete the assignment. You will need to watch the video explaining the parable and post about which type of soil you are.



You will need the textbook. Please use the time allowed by school to go grab them, they are sitting outside my classroom. (Please try and grab YOUR assigned book.)

Since I won’t see you for the next few weeks- please take this opportunity to download the app:      as i will use some of the weekly postings as discussion content.

I am going to try and set up a quiz to take on Canvas. The Quiz will cover The Brain and Sensation and Perception that will open next Friday and close by the end of the day. IT would be wise to gather your notes from sensation and perception and the Brain and study the information.

Goal this week is to complete your Sensation and Perception Lab, do an Illusions Activity and take a quiz over the last two Units.